27.09.2023 29.09.2023
Zeit: 10:00 - 20:00 Uhr
Potsdam Museum, Am Alten Markt 9, 14467 Potsdam
18th Annual Meeting of the European Network on Regional Labour Market Monitoring (EN RLMM)
The European Network on Regional Labour Market Monitoring (EN RLMM) focuses on innovative approaches for the monitoring of labour markets in regions and localities across Europe.
Through various activities involving the publishing of Anthologies and organising meetings, it seeks to further the concepts and instruments in regional and local labour market monitoring and to diffuse the common methods for research and analysis in this field.
In 2023, the Annual Meeting of the EN RLMM will take place in presence. It will be organised jointly by the Brandenburg Economic Development Agency (WFBB), in Potsdam, Germany and the Coordination/Management of the EN RLMM at IWAK from the Goethe University of Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

Anja Walter
Senior Manager
Department WFBB Labour – Skilled Workforce and Qualification
+49 331 – 70 44 57-2913

Daniel Porep
Senior Manager
Department WFBB Labour – Skilled Workforce and Qualification
+49 331 – 70 44 57-2912