27.09.2023 29.09.2023

Zeit: 10:00 - 20:00 Uhr
Potsdam Museum, Am Alten Markt 9, 14467 Potsdam

18th Annual Meeting of the European Network on Regional Labour Market Monitoring (EN RLMM)

The European Network on Regional Labour Market Monitoring (EN RLMM) focuses on innovative approaches for the monitoring of labour markets in regions and localities across Europe.

Through various activities involving the publishing of Anthologies and organising meetings, it seeks to further the concepts and instruments in regional and local labour market monitoring and to diffuse the common methods for research and analysis in this field.

In 2023, the Annual Meeting of the EN RLMM will take place in presence. It will be organised jointly by the Brandenburg Economic Development Agency (WFBB), in Potsdam, Germany and the Coordination/Management of the EN RLMM at IWAK from the Goethe University of Frankfurt am Main, Germany.



schedule for Wednesday

01:30 – 04:00 P.M. Participation in Big Data Working Group (only for Big Data Working Group Members)
04:30 – 05:50 P.M. Participation in Scientific Committee (only for Scientific Committee Members)
06:00 P.M. Informal Welcome Dinner at Genusswerkstatt Potsdam (at your own expense)

schedule for Thursday

06:00 P.M. Sightseeing in Potsdam
07:30 P.M. Official Dinner at Il Teatro (at your own expense)

Workgroups on Friday

Please choose only one group with yes and deny the other with no

Measuring Transformation in Selected Professional Groups
Measuring Transformation in Regional Labour Markets
Case Study: Schwedt – Transforming Refinery

schedule for Friday

05:00 – 06:30 P.M. Boat Trip (20 EUR - at your own expense)
07:30 P.M. Informal Dinner at El Puerto (at your own expense)

The Wirtschaftsförderung Land Brandenburg GmbH (WFBB)/Brandenburg Economic Development Corporation stores data to provide information and support on various business development topics. The information and support include, for example, the following topics:- Investment projects - Energy savings - Innovation projects - Establishing a company in our State - Securing and developing skilled labour - Finding cooperation partners - Trade Missions - Cluster networking.
Additional purposes are the support of interested parties and any activities required for economic development operations. In some cases, personal data must also be collected for the purpose of satisfying statutory regulations. The WFBB cooperates with other business development agencies, the Investment Bank Land Brandenburg (ILB) and Ministries within the framework of economic development. Data is also exchanged for the purpose of economic promotion in order to fulfil joint ventures and project tasks. Your data will be stored in our customer management system (KWIS). Only those WFBB employees who are authorized to process your data have access to your data. The WFBB processes personal data on the basis of the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Processing is based on consent pursuant to Art. 6 Sec. 1a and Art. 7 GDPR for the processing of personal data for specific purposes, while safeguarding the current and necessary measures of data security and under the supervision of our data protection officer. Additional information can be found in the data protection regulations on our website. You can also contact our data protection officer directly at datenschutzbeauftragter@wfbb.de. The collected data will be deleted as soon as it is no longer required for its intended purposes and there are no legal or promotion-specific storage obligations to prevent its deletion. We would like to ask you for your consent for the data processing required for the aforementioned purposes. Consent is voluntary and can be revoked at any time with future effect in accordance with Art. 7 Sec. 3 GDPR. Furthermore, in accordance with Art. 17 GDPR, you have the right to have the data concerned deleted without delay or, alternatively, to demand a restriction on the processing of the data in accordance with Art. 18 GDPR. We will then no longer process your personal data or delete it immediately.

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